Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Yet Another "Staunch Pro-Lifer" Puts Politics Above Principle

Not much thinking appears to be going on over at the American Thinker:
Why I - a Staunch Pro-Lifer - Am Voting for Guiliani
By Kyle-Anne Shiver

In most of the Presidential elections since 1973, I have been what the pollsters refer to as a "single-issue" voter, being ever stalwart in my support for vigorous pro-life candidates. But this primary, I'm voting for Guiliani, despite his pro-choice stance. Here's why.

First of all, contrary to a great deal of hysterical feminist rhetoric, the President of the United States can really only do three things to advance the pro-life cause as long as Roe stands. One, he can appoint strict constructionist judges who interpret the Constitution as written, as opposed to the hocus-pocus, magical finding of things that are not there in reality. Guiliani has demonstrated to my satisfaction that he intends to do exactly that.

Secondly, a President can avoid vetoing any pro-life legislation - such as the ban on Partial-Birth Abortion - that happens to find its way to his desk. I would like to see Republicans urge Mr. Guiliani to make this a formal commitment.

Lastly, he can veto any anti-life funding bills. In reality, those are the only areas where the President has influence in the pro-life arena. I could argue all day and all night with Mr. Guiliani over the "rightness" of any woman's choice to kill her offspring in the womb, and it still would not change the current Law of the Land one iota. Despite NARAL propaganda, the President of the United States does not wield lawful control over any American woman's body or what she does with it.

Unfortunately, in 2008, we Americans do not have the luxury of focusing our votes towards any domestic agenda. That we have some very large, ever-looming domestic problems - health care crisis, out-of-control entitlement programs, an irresponsible deficit, to name a few - goes without belaboring. But to give any of those center stage right now is, in my view, pure folly. Whether we like it or not, we are in a war, a war we neither asked for, nor started. And, no matter what happens in the short run in Iraq, we are going to be at war for a long time.

My Comments:
What this argument in favor of voting for Rudy amounts to (aside from parroting what allegedly "pro-life" Democrats have been saying for years to justify their votes for presidential nominees from the Deathocrat Party) is this: (1) At least with Rudy, the trains will run on time; and (2) We will sacrifice all that we stand for in exchange for "security". It's absolutely no different than ignoring the Democrat candidates' pro-abort stance because you think they have a better plan for health care.

As I mentioned yesterday, there is absolutely nothing in the record of the man who endorsed Mario Cuomo over George Pataki and considered endorsing Bill Clinton over Bob Dole that makes him even remotely trustworthy on the abortion issue. Or, for that matter, the same-sex "marriage" issue. If Cuomo and Clinton are Rudy's idea of good chief executives, why am I going to trust him to nominate decent conservatives and/or strict constructionists to life-tenured positions on the federal courts?

In short, I'm saying - for the record - that anyone who used Bill Clinton's or Al Gore's or John Kerry's position on abortion as the primary reason to vote against them (or at least claimed this as their motivation), but who now plans to ignore Rudy's equally appalling position on abortion in order to vote for him, is nothing but a dissembling hypocrite.

Previous Pro Ecclesia posts on this subject:
Conservatives Who Should Know Better Continue to Flirt With Disaster

Has Rudy "Earned" a Pass From Conservatives?

Why Catholics Cannot Vote for Rudy Guiliani

Rudy Giuliani Says He Backs Pro-Life Laws But Supports Legal Abortion

Rudy’s a No-Go

That's News to Me

Resources Rolling In for Pro-Abort, Pro-Gay, Anti-Gun Presidential Candidate (and He's "Catholic" to Boot)

The Pro-Giuliani Crowd Tries to Rehabilitate the Mayor's Image Among Pro-Lifers

Brownback: I Could Support Rudy

For the Second Day in a Row, I Find Myself in the Uncomfortable Position of Agreeing With the DNC

Meet the Next President: Giuliani Tops in Early GOP Polls

Presidential Election Still 2 Years Away, But GOP Seems Intent on Self-Immolation

The Conservative Case Against Rudy Giuliani In 2008

Southern Appeal Takes on The Anchoress' Support for Rudy Giuliani's Presidential Aspirations

Pro-Abort, Pro-Gay, Anti-Gun Republican Tops Pro-Abort, Pro-Gay, Anti-Gun Democrat in Recent Poll

Four in 10 Republicans Would Not Find McCain an "Acceptable" Nominee

Pro-Abort/Pro-Gay Republican Tops Pro-Abort/Pro-Gay Democrat In Presidential Poll - Who Cares?

Pat Robertson Says Giuliani Would Be "Good President"

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At 2/21/2007 9:29 PM, Blogger Sir Galen of Bristol said...

I thought the pro-life movement was past the days when we'd accept the assurances of some pro-choicer, they'd throw us some scraps from the table.

The pro-aborts are fundamentally dishonest: they don't "personally oppose" abortion, they're for it in every way that matters. Why would we accept their promises, especially a year in advance when we have real pro-life candidates like Brownback and Hunter to rally around?


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