Thursday, August 24, 2006

Southern Appeal Takes on The Anchoress' Support for Rudy Giuliani's Presidential Aspirations

Steve Dillard of Southern Appeal is not impressed by The Anchoress' reasons for supporting the presidential ambitions of the pro-abort/pro-gay/anti-gun Rudy Giuliani:
I am truly baffled as to how she can possibly support Rudy Giuliani for president. As K-Lo notes over at the Corner today, there is perhaps no other politician who is more radically proabortion than Giulani. The former mayor of New York City even supports the beyond-evil practice known as partial birth abortion, and has indicated that he would “give my daughter money for it [an abortion].” Translation: “I am willing to help kill my own grandchild.”

I am sorry. That is simply beyond the pale. I don’t care how great one might think Giulani will be at handling the global war on terror. Rudy’s views on abortion reveal that at his core his is capable of supporting and/or engaging in the worst sort of evil. Giuliani is also a staunch supporter of gay marriage, something I know the Anchoress strongly opposes.

What strikes me most about the Anchoress’s reasoning is that it is based almost entirely on emotion. She seems to be completely drawn in by Giuliani’s leadership during 9/11, and for her nothing else appears to matter. And that’s what I don’t understand. I mean, we’re not electing a counselor-in chief or a motivational speaker. Right?

To be sure, Rudy has exceptional leadership abilities in some areas. No question about it. But we are talking about electing the next president of the United States; and if there was ever an office that demands character, the presidency is it. And I’m sorry, but I don’t trust Rudy’s character any more than I trust Bill Clinton’s. A man who is willing to stand idly by why millions of babies are aborted every year, and supports undermining traditional marriage, is not someone I trust to be the voice of the land of the free and the home of the brave. I don’t demand perfection, but I do require that the person I vote for be someone who doesn’t openly embrace evil practices.

Previous Pro Ecclesia posts on this subject:
Pro-Abort, Pro-Gay, Anti-Gun Republican Tops Pro-Abort, Pro-Gay, Anti-Gun Democrat in Recent Poll

Four in 10 Republicans Would Not Find McCain an "Acceptable" Nominee

Pro-Abort/Pro-Gay Republican Tops Pro-Abort/Pro-Gay Democrat In Presidential Poll - Who Cares?

Pat Robertson Says Giuliani Would Be "Good President"


At 8/24/2006 9:30 PM, Blogger Brother James said...

This is why I'm re-thinking Pro-Life catholic strategies of dealing with a party system that splits christian doctrine into two opposing camps, and mixes them with other evils. Why not form a third party, albeit without much nation pull, but starts out with a comprehensive platform of solid catholic doctrine, robbing the Dems and GOP of the catholic vote (or at least the faithful catholic vote).

Aw, who am I foolin', it won't sell.

At 1/29/2007 1:32 PM, Blogger cw said...

It wouldn't sell by 2008. But it could start something important for 2012. Think of all the conservatives who stayed home in 2006 because they had a choice between a liberal packaged as a "Republican" or a liberal packaged as a Democrat? They'd have a reason to come out and vote.


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