Friday, February 24, 2006

Republican Senate Leadership Survey

Yesterday, I received and filled out a "Republican Senate Leadership Survey" that was sent by the National Republican Senatorial Committee, chaired by Sen. Elizabeth Dole.

The survey asked a number of questions about my policy preferences and how I rated the leadership of President Bush and the Republican majority in the Senate, blah, blah, blah.

When the survey finally got around to asking whether I would "support" the NRSC in its efforts to maintain and increase the Republican majority in the Senate, I answered "No" and added an asterisk. In the blanks left for comments at the end of the survey, I included the following remarks:
* Judges are the ONLY reason I continue to support the Republican Party.

* I will not support your efforts until you stop funding liberals like Lincoln Chafee who are running against more conservative primary opponents.
I hope other people who received this survey did the same thing. Maybe then they'll get the message.


At 2/25/2006 7:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The NRSC funding Chafee actually helps get conservative judges confirmed. If Chafee is defeated in the primary his seat will just go to a Democrat who will undoubtedly vote to filibuster and will take the Democrats one step closer to controlling the Senate. Unlike Pennsylvania, which has elected Rick Santorum twice, Rhode Island will not elect a Republican who isn't the poster child for RINOism. It is the single most liberal state in the union.

That's not to say that I support supporting Chafee, but I'm not going to get upset with the NRSC for supporting him for the above reasons.

At 2/26/2006 8:55 PM, Blogger Sir Galen of Bristol said...

I thought Chaffee voted against Alito.

And didn't his father (whom he succeeded) vote to acquit Clinton at his impeachment?

At 2/27/2006 3:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought Chaffee voted against Alito.

He did vote against Alito. I didn't indicate otherwise. Chafee on the other hand voted against launching a filibuster. I'm not saying I support him (because I certainly don't), I'm just saying that I'm not going to get hopped up that the NRSC is giving him money since RI is the most liberal state in the country and is very unlikely to elect anyone better. Unlike with the Specter-Toomey race (since Santorum indicates Toomey would have a chance and because Arlen posed, and poses, a danger to our cause greater than the loss of one seat), supporting Chafee does no harm.

Yes, John Chafee voted to acquit on both counts.

At 3/09/2006 2:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Surly you people realize that this NRSC survey is a fake--only a ploy to get contributions. The "survey" results are no doubt never tabulated. The very format of the survey form would require hand- rather than machine-tabulation--at great expense.
I have written "the Honorable" Elizabeth Dole expressing my feelings about this crooked business.


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