Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Comedy Central's Anti-Catholic Christmas Programming

Fidei Defensor at College Catholic has an excellent post about Dennis Leary's anti-Catholic "Christmas Special" on Comedy Central. Here's a sample of what passes for humor at that network:
I was raised Catholic. We believe Mary was a virgin and Jesus ended up walking on water, creating a bottomless jug of wine and rising from the dead. Oh, yeah, and Tom Cruise is crazy. Listen, Christmas is built on a line of bulls---. Do I believe there was a baby Jesus? You bet your ass I do. But I believe that nine months before he was born someone sure as s--- banged the hell out of his mom.
Real nice.


At 11/30/2005 12:15 PM, Blogger Fidei Defensor said...

Thanks for helping to get the word out. If we keep the presure up I think we can force them to pull this.

At 12/30/2006 4:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Denis Leary is a little coward who steals his material from other comedians. He doesnt have an original bone in his body and becomes insanely irate if anyone brings it up (of course now Im sure his PR people will get him to change that and just laugh it off). About the anti-Catholic anti-Christian comments: Denis Leary is one of those 'emotional atheists' who knows in his heart that those 'relgious' folks are right about the existence of God and (gasp) morality. He hates that and it seethes just under his skin waiting to come out. Those disgusting comments about the Blessed Virgin not only offend fellow bretheren in the Lord like the Catholics but all Christians (I'm Eastern Orthodox myself). Leary hates the Catholic church, the same church that guided his Irish forefathers through their entire lives and safely led them to heaven's gate --somewhere he is destined to fall short of. When he is burning in hellfire and the dark demons are (excuse me) doing nasty things to him, he'll wish he listened to his Catholic grandparents and their 'old fashioned' ways. May you burn in hell Leary you atheistic subhuman hateful creature, hope you and your fiction writing hack wife (she is no writer!) realize after the season of sin there is payback. And that can be a real bitch.

Hebrews 12:29

Yorgos the byzantine brother

At 12/30/2006 4:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

PS as for your comments against Our Lord who died for our sins I gave you a quote Denis Leary from His own mouth:

"A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart brings forth evil. For out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks."

Luke 6:45

At 12/30/2006 4:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

God will judge you Denis Leary , what mountain will you cry to cover you up on that dreadful day?

Yorgos the byzantine brother

At 10/30/2008 9:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I actually found that quite funny xD. Why do you care anyway? If you don't think it's funny and the show offends you- switch the channel


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