Monday, November 28, 2005

Benedict XVI: Catholic Universities Should Frame Counter-Cultural Philosophy

From Catholic World News:
Rome, Nov. 25 ( - Pope Benedict XVI urged Catholic academic leaders to counteract the secularizing trends of contemporary philosophy, as he presided at ceremonies opening the academic year at Rome's University of the Sacred Heart.

At a Catholic university, the Holy Father said, faith and reason should work in a close partnership. This approach, he said, stands in sharp contrast to "important elements of modern philosophy," in which reason is strictly separated from questions of faith. The unfortunate results of that approach, he said can be seen when "the fundamental questions facing man-- how to live and how to die-- seem to be excluded from the realm of rationality and are left to that of subjectivity."
My Comments:
I'm sure the major "Catholic" universities in the U.S. will file the Pope's recent remarks in the same circular filing cabinet where they placed the late John Paul II's Ex Corde Ecclesiae.


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