Tuesday, May 24, 2005

McCarthy: "The Republicans Have Been Rolled"

Andrew McCarthy at National Review Online sums up in 3 sentences exactly why I'm done with the GOP:
Does anyone really think it needed to be established that conservative judges “have every right to serve on the higher benches”? That is self-evident. But, in today’s arrangements, notwithstanding a president reelected with more votes than any president in history and a one-sided 55-45 margin in the Senate, that which is self-evident somehow needs to be reestablished as a “principle” whenever a determined minority objects. (emphasis added)
"... a president reelected with more votes than any president in history and a one-sided 55-45 margin in the Senate ..." So, how exactly is a Republican Congressional majority with a 2-term Republican President any different than being in the minority?


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