Thursday, March 31, 2005

Thoughts From the Right: "Pro-Life" Democrats

See William Bloomfield's blog, Thoughts from the Right, for his take on "Pro-Life" Democrats. Specifically, William addresses whether Pennsylvania Democrat Bob Casey, who is challenging Rick Santorum for his Senate seat, is truly "pro-life" given his support for the Democrats' use of filibusters to block President Bush's judicial nominees.

As I've said several times over at Amy Welborn's blog in regard to the judicial filibuster, it is unprecedented in the entire 218-year history of this Republic. So, why now? What is it that makes the Democrats march in lock-step on filibustering the Bush judicial nominees when such action has NEVER been taken in the past? In one word: ABORTION. It is the very raison d'etre of the modern Democrat party - they have sold their souls to the abortion lobby.

So, when we hear Bob Casey say that Bush's nominees are "too extreme", we know that what he's really doing is just towing the Democrat party line, which fears that Bush's nominees might actually think Roe v. Wade was wrongly decided. What? The President's nominees are not "too extreme" for Arlen Specter, but they're somehow too extreme for Bob Casey? Riiight.

On a related matter, I have been promising for a few weeks now to blog in more detail on the Santorum-Casey matchup in Pennsylvania. I'm still working on it, but promise to have something soon.

Will has followed up on his earlier post regarding Bob Casey's status as an allegedly "Pro-Life Democrat" with another one today questioning Casey's pro-life credentials: "Bob Casey, Jr. is not Pro-Life".

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